Ben Herbert

Founder & Editor of Has been writing articles dedicated to men's fashion and style since 2007. Articles focus on look books and men's essentials.

Defence In Your Pocket: The RFID Wallet By Würkin Stiffs

The Importance of RFID Protection We've already told you about the amazing magnetic collar stays from Würkin Stiffs and how they let you achieve that crisp and sharp look you desire...

FashionBeans x Maximuscle Challenge: The End Results

Introduction If you are a regular reader of this site, you will probably know that I (foolishly) decided to take on the Maximuscle Blogger Challenge these past three months. For those...

FashionBeans x Maximuscle Challenge: Training Routine

Introduction As promised in my week 6 progress update article, today I am going to break down the training routines I have been following during these past 6 weeks and the...

FashionBeans x Maximuscle Challenge: Week 6 Progress

Introduction It's been 6 weeks since I began the Maximuscle Challenge, in an attempt to alter my physique from everyday male to cover model body. We are now at the half...

FashionBeans x Maximuscle Challenge: Carb Cycling & Supplements

Introduction In my previous article, I gave you all a brief introduction to the FashionBeans x Maximuscle Blogger Project, told you a bit about myself and gave you a clear indication...

FashionBeans x Maximuscle Challenge: Introduction

Editor Prologue These 'challenge' articles were originally run on our sister site FitnessBeans, but have been ported over into our new fitness section as I believe they offer real, no holds...

Ben Herbert

Founder & Editor of Has been writing articles dedicated to men's fashion and style since 2007. Articles focus on look books and men's essentials.
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